Monday, February 11, 2008

Funny patent application

I found this patent application while I was roaming google one night. Funny right? Well, the joke at the end was certainly a let down but check the first comment left by simon greenwood at the bottom:
"He who controls the spice, controls the universe..."

OK, OK, I'm going.

I practically died laughing when I read that...

DUNE: "he who controls the spice..." monolog & heart plug scene

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Google Earth

There is something very cool about not being able to sleep at 4am and waking up, rolling a blunt, setting google earth to fullscreen in front of me in the dark and pushing the curser with the tip of my finger to send the image drifting and just watching miles and miles of the planet float by... or turning your eye out to the stars and zooming in on a distant patch of sky and watching glaxies and quazars come in and out of focus drifting away from view as your field of view slowly pans forever across the sky
Carl Sagan would have enjoyed this.